Another View Financial Services
Often when you read an “about me” page, it's all about industry experience and the qualifications the person holds coupled with a lot of industry jargon. Firstly, no one is a Financial Adviser by chance. It takes a huge amount of dedication to qualify and remain advising.
I have the most incredible clients. Not only do I care about them as clients, but also as my friends. All of them play such a huge part in my life and I genuinely care about all aspects of their financial and personal well-being. I pride myself on going the extra mile for each and every one of them.
I strongly believe in good karma and I always try to help if I can. What motivates me is simple, I have two really important people in my life, my husband, Kevin and my son Henry. I believe actions speak louder than words and because of that I try every day to better myself as a mum, wife, friend and Financial Adviser to my clients. I'm trying my best to lead by example so that my son grows up to be a positive, respectful young man who will have a natural ability to help others.
Life becomes amazingly rewarding when your core focus is just to help people in whatever capacity you can. I've gained many clients since qualifying in 2004 because of this ethos and I strive to add value to everyone I meet.

Samantha Challis CeFA AwPETR
Independent Financial Adviser
T: 01268 478 979
M: 07989 422 820