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Treating Customers Fairly.

Treating customers fairly (TCF) is central to the delivery of The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) retail regulatory agenda, which aims to ensure an efficient and effective market and thereby help consumers achieve a fair deal.

Firms must be able to demonstrate that they are consistently delivering fair outcomes to consumers and that senior management are taking responsibility for ensuring that the firm and staff at all levels deliver the consumer outcomes relevant to their business through establishing an appropriate culture.

Another View Financial Services fully supports the Financial Conduct Authority TCF initiative and believes it satisfies the six consumer outcomes which are summarised below:

Complaints Procedure

We're sorry you've felt you need to complain, but letting us know when you're unhappy gives us the opportunity to put matters right for you and improve our service for everybody.

If you don't feel we have resolved your issue, please contact New Leaf Distribution Ltd.

New Leaf Distribution Limited
165 – 167 High Street

Tel: 01702 431130

Email New Leaf Distribution

You can find more information by visiting the New Leaf Distribution's website:

If you cannot settle your complaint with us, you may be entitled to refer it to the Financial Ombudsman Service (